
Elrond Trees was founded by 2 French friends who wanted to be agents of change, and who were convinced that technology and ecology must work together for the good of our future. NFT, in particular, can have a huge impact, as the community is huge and aware of the problems of our world.

We are more than motivated to carry out this project, and we will give everything for the good of our planet.

The 2 founders:

  • Thomas Moisson (Juliano), engineering student at EPITA Paris. Thomas is in charge of the sales/mint part, and of the communication on Discord and Twitter.

  • Corentin Suel (Bab0one), engineering student at Polytech Sorbonne. Corentin is the graphic designer of Elrond Trees. He creates all the visuals of the NTF, and the posts on the social networks.

For the dev part, 3 developers joined the project: 1 back-end, 1 front-end, and 1 developer of the bot discord.

Last updated